About Playing RPG Playing RPG

This site is all about a fake RPG I created for myself in which gain xp from writing blog posts about playing RPGs. So.. the game is called RPG Playing RPG, and I am playing it. The name humors me but likely won't stay long, don't worry!

Each post will get me xp within skills that are associated with the type of RPG I am playing. If I play a game from the 1989 and blog about it... I get an xp in Aurum (era 1985-1995) and another xp in runecrafting (blogging). If I get enough xp points, I'll get a level. If I get enough runecrafting levels, I will get a rune, which qualifies as like an overfall power.

At the time of this writing, the game is pretty simple. That's pretty much it! But I have more thoughts in plan for the future including getting a stamp upon completion (that others can use on their site!). Enemies that randomly spawn that I must kill. Materials that can be used to craft magical items. And made up achievements!

Here's my todo list if you'd like to find more on what I'm planning. It's pretty rough right now and unspecific.

NOTE - This site can and will contain spoilers! However, to keep readers somewhat safe. I will not be playing games that have been released in the last 5 years (not including remakes or releases, the original game will always be fair game).

I hope people follow along my RPG journeys and have fun watching me play and develop this weird blogging game of mine, and even offer up suggestions as to how I can improve upon it! Feel free to use my button, but please host the image yourself and link to my site if you do!

Playing RPG Playing RPG