Site Updates
This is a list of what has been updated recently for the stie. No post updates, just functionality updates. If you would like to see a list of things I am trying to add in the future, Click Here.

▪ 12-26-24
▪ Added a question mark for skills, this isn't functional yet, just for future use.
▪ Removed iframes from posts and game stats. I don't think this was particularly useful and was going to cause issues once I added RSS. Unfortunately it does mean that Final Fantasy Hours Played is going to be kind of weird as going forward I am going to leave the hours played on the post, indicating how much time I played up until that point.
▪ Added a link on the home page for the game title to take you to the game page.
▪ Added a button! It's on the about page, feel free to use but link to my site!
▪ Added a spoiler warning in the about page as well.
▪ Switched the boxes on the todo page to emojis cause it just looks better than the form boxes and the forms are too difficult to modify in css.
▪ Created this page!